The Christmas and New Year might seriously affect mental health, the pressure and expectations can be grave, which is why coping strategies are as important as ever.

What happens when you reach middle-age? Work frustrations, redundancy, bodily decline and even a hip replacement maybe? Don't worry, we can help. A bit.
The Christmas and New Year might seriously affect mental health, the pressure and expectations can be grave, which is why coping strategies are as important as ever.
Everyone loves Father Christmas. People invite him into their houses with offers of mince pies and wine, think he’s cute and in some instances sit
My wife says I have a snoring problem and is threatening to kick me out of bed. Things you can do to deal with the situation.
Being a rock star worries me. I’m just a tad over 50 and play a bit of guitar. I am thinking of putting some of
I have eaten and drunk to excess over the Christmas period, and am now having trouble squeezing back into my suit. I need to lose a couple of pounds, and am surrounded by people talking about dry or “damp” Januaries. Should I join this sober party, or continue with my life of excess?
On a night out recently I ended up making a fool of myself. Unfortunately a colleague was videoing me and is now threatening to share it across social media. What can I do?
I like playing on the Xbox. FIFA mainly. However my wife thinks I’m too old to be playing silly games. Should I stop?
Midlife male grooming used to be passing a comb through a receding hairline. Now it seems to more commonplace, but can be a midlife minefield
I’ve had a really tough time recently. I was out drinking and now I’m exhausted. Wouldn’t it be better for the business if I took a couple of sick days to recover?
am rubbish at Powerpoint. My slides always have clashing colours or boxes that don’t align, and look like a ten year old has done them compared to other people’s.